
Hot Springs, Ar.

On April 21st, I will be taking a trip for Spring Break weekend to Hot Springs! I didn’t have time to plan a long distance trip packed with activities due to the massive load of course work I took on this semester (BUT THE PAYOFF IS GRADUATION!!!!). So I decided to settle for a small 3.5-hour drive to our neighboring state. The main attraction to Hot Springs was the presence of an amusement park but upon further investigation, I found there is a lot more to experience.

Magic Springs is going to be our main priority, but I have been told there are a few places we must check out.

  1. Brick House Grill. This will be the location for dinner our first night there, due to positive word of mouth from family and friends.
  2. Alligator Farm. My mom says this is a must see attraction. We’ll see how we feel about visiting it once we get there.
  3. Bath House Row. A massage is just what the doctor ordered. What better way to relax during Spring Break than a hot stone massage in Hot Springs?
  4. Hot Springs Moutain Tower. I stumbled upon this gem during research on our stay. This seems like a cheap enjoyable sightseeing adventure!
    I’m not sure how I’ll feel about being 1,256 feet high but it’ll definitely be an experience for the books!
  5. Garvan Woodland Gardens. I’m not too sure how receptive my boyfriend will be towards a stroll in the garden but I’m sure it won’t take too much convincing! 210 acres of flowers and shrubs sounds like a beautiful way to spend the afternoon.

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