
Austin, TX.

The capital of the Lonestar state had the best atmosphere I have ever experienced. The locals were nice and the activities available were infinite. This is the city I hope to lay my head by the end of the summer.

My first and only time visiting was for the Austin City Music Festival. I love music festivals and this is the one that set the tone for the rest. If you have never been to a music festival, or even if you have, I highly recommend this one. The location is large, the food is amazing, and the local merchandise booths are seriously one of a kind. acl

Since I was under 21 we did not get to test out the famous Sixth St. However, if we did there was a high chance we would’ve seen Shia LeBouf since that being the weekend he got arrested there and all. Poor Shia.

We spent a lot of time walking and it made me appreciate the city in a different way than if we would’ve been driving to every location. I love Austin because of the healthy lifestyle it promotes. Every corner has healthy food options and most of the time you don’t know what you’re eating. That was me during our trip. 75% of the food I ate I had no what it was, but 100% of the food I ate I loved. A place you must visit is Gourdoughs, a gourmet donut food truck. It was one of the first food trucks in Austin and because of the popularity, they had to expand to a building at another location. Warning: The image below may cause your mouth to water. Don’t let the food and donut combination scare you. Embrace it!


If you haven’t been to Austin I highly recommend it. The trip was long because of heavy traffic but it was well worth the wait! I highly recommend bringing your best friends to make the experience more enjoyable.IMG_7508


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